Saturday, December 16, 2006

Phew, that was a close call. It started snowing again. The party was dying down and so we decided to all leave.

But lets rewind a bit.

Overall, the night wasn't too bad. I finally got time to mack on one of the hbs I've been checking out. Someone had brought in one of those foam type guns as a secret santa present and we were going around shooting people.

I was definately having a blast, picking on the girls until they got smart and teamed up. Suffice to say, I lost. Badly.

So, since I was in such a uphill battle, I took the opportunity to tussle around. But that was all. Just plain fun I suppose.

When we left, she had no way of going home. I suggested I'd drive her. But, we were situated on a hill. A very steep hill. While it has snowed. Heavily. This should be fun.

We were doing well until the final hill coming out of the neighborhood area. I couldn't stop, car slided sideways, while a car waiting to go up was at the bottom. Waiting.

We slowly slid sideways towards.
20 feet, "Oh shit."
10 feet, "Stop anytime now..."
4 feet, "Fuck! Fuck!"
2 feet "OH...Sh..!".

The car flored it backwards and gave us enough room to finally stopped.


I was expecting a crash. Luckily not. The hb was scared. Damn, I should've took the opportunity to be gentlmen and put my arm infront of her. Ah well.

I didn't ask for her number, but we did share some good experiences. Why you say? "You had such a good time didn't you?" Yeah, I did. Shooting her in the head was fun. Having shoot me in the head was for retaliation. I took revenge by taking one of her socks and hiding it.

Were in a team together. I'll see her again, in the new years? I'm going to take this one slow. An advice I'm going to experiment on. (Credit to Pook and The Experiment)

Tomorrow I've got another party far away. We'll have to see if it's still snowing. I want to go. These people I don't know, even though they go to the same school. Well, the girls anyways. Keep on the macking eh?

And as for an approach count...Hmm. Nah.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Nothing much happened. I called the girl I met last Saturday yesterday night. And it turned out to be a fake number. Either that, or I must've punched in the wrong number while I was drunk. She did come close to check it. Either way, I'm happy it happened to me. Sort of a right of passage thing I guess.

I don't know exactly what I did wrong, but I'll try something different next time. Maybe it's because we didn't really chat at all? To be honest, I don't know a single thing about her, except maybe her name. And even that, I'm not a 100% sure. Was it Sara or Tara?

If I do find out what went awry, I'll come back to this post one day and answer it.

Anyways, I went to write one of my finals and while we were waiting, I approached one. However, this was on the context of the final, which bothers me. I can easily approach girls with a context, but without one, it'd be more difficult.

So, although this is techincally an approach, I don't feel it as one though. This Friday or Sunda, I plan to hit the mall in downtown and make my approaches there, while I shop.

End Date: April 27th, 2007
Approach: 3 /150
Numbers: 1
Kiss Close: 0
F-Close: 0
Rejection: 1
Boyfriend Excuse: 0

Sunday, December 3, 2006

TD Christmas Party

Yesterday was a blast.

It started out slow at first, me picking up my date and taking over an hour to get through traffic to downtown. At first, I didn't know anyone there, making it difficult to know what to do with a date.

However, as more people came, blah blah blah...

Are you really interested in that? How about this, I ran into a girl I go to school with. She's hotter without the make-up than she has with it on. My co-worker who has a radiant personality wears her only black dress which makes her look like a complete slut. (I wonder if she is aware?)

There were many asian girls, but I didn't get the chance to approach them. Why? Because I needed liquid confidence first. And when I started drinking, I focused less on the girls and more on drinking. Until I got bored and started to dance. Suffice to say, I walked away with one number. I was hoping for more, but I walked in with no game plan.

I'm starting to realize how little I need to rapport build before I can ask for a number. Also, I would have never touched a girl in the first 3 minutes of dancing without her atleast making some sort of first move. (Dancing close real close to me, seductive looks, etc.)

The hb 7 isn't so bad after sobering up and looking at the pictures. I'm contemplating whether I should call her or not. I do want to focus on approaching and meeting women first before getting out and dating. But then again, what do I have to lose? Only to gain from this experience. I'll do some more deleberating.

Still, more parties to go for this festive season.

End Date: April 27th, 2007
Approach: 2 /150
Numbers: 1
Kiss Close: 0
F-Close: 0
Rejection: 0
Boyfriend Excuse: 0

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I have good news and bad news. We'll start off with the bad. I'm still at my sorta half-assed approach. I haven't made ANY progress at all. I have school in the middle of the day and by the time I'm done class, the school becomse quite deserted.

However, the hb I talked to last class was eyeing me when I came in the classroom. Thank goodness I was mistaken and that my last day of classes is actually this coming Monday. I'll have one more shot at her.

And the good news is that I've found video of true players. No pickup lines, rehearsed negs or an inventory of carefully constructed sentences. It's called Keys to VIP on Comedy Channel. I've hit the jackpot here. The show is fairly new and I've watched all five episodes. You can find this on

Next semester, I'll have to join newer clubs that'll allow me to get out more often instead of the same circle. By next post, I'll have a few approaches done at the very least.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

First Splash

I woke up late today. I figured it was still icy/cold to go to school. I made it just in time for the last 6 minutes of class. Joy. So I took the chance to sit next to a hb 6.5 and just asked her a couple of questions. I've seen her in class, just never appproached her. Thursday is last day of classes. I'll make my move and asker for her number. Didn't get the chance to really talk to her.

I must state though, I don't have any clue whether I'll be calling her or not. Most likely not. I wouldn't mind foolin around, but nothing serious.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get another one. I'll wake up and head to school a bit earlier.

End Date: April 27th, 2007
Approach: 1/150
Numbers: 0
Kiss Close: 0
F-Close: 0
Rejection: 0
Boyfriend Excuse: 0

Monday, November 27, 2006

Snowed In with a Promise anew

I had plans to head up to school today and hit the gym. But because of the continual snow coming down, the roads have been closed, including the school itself.

Ok. Enough of that, I promise this blog will focus mostly on my road to bettering myself with women.

Therefore, I've decided to start my own 150 approaches in 150 days, inspired by E-sizzle's old thread on the forums

If the school is opened tomorrow, it'll mark the 1st day of my approaches. I also have to get over my fear of approaching girls. If you're a girl, you'll think I'm retarded. If you're a guy, you'll most likely understand. Cheers.