Sunday, December 3, 2006

TD Christmas Party

Yesterday was a blast.

It started out slow at first, me picking up my date and taking over an hour to get through traffic to downtown. At first, I didn't know anyone there, making it difficult to know what to do with a date.

However, as more people came, blah blah blah...

Are you really interested in that? How about this, I ran into a girl I go to school with. She's hotter without the make-up than she has with it on. My co-worker who has a radiant personality wears her only black dress which makes her look like a complete slut. (I wonder if she is aware?)

There were many asian girls, but I didn't get the chance to approach them. Why? Because I needed liquid confidence first. And when I started drinking, I focused less on the girls and more on drinking. Until I got bored and started to dance. Suffice to say, I walked away with one number. I was hoping for more, but I walked in with no game plan.

I'm starting to realize how little I need to rapport build before I can ask for a number. Also, I would have never touched a girl in the first 3 minutes of dancing without her atleast making some sort of first move. (Dancing close real close to me, seductive looks, etc.)

The hb 7 isn't so bad after sobering up and looking at the pictures. I'm contemplating whether I should call her or not. I do want to focus on approaching and meeting women first before getting out and dating. But then again, what do I have to lose? Only to gain from this experience. I'll do some more deleberating.

Still, more parties to go for this festive season.

End Date: April 27th, 2007
Approach: 2 /150
Numbers: 1
Kiss Close: 0
F-Close: 0
Rejection: 0
Boyfriend Excuse: 0

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